Saturday, December 16, 2006


‘...took me twenty minutes, it did,’ she said to the man sat in a wheelchair at the table she put the plate of food she’d bought from the BHS cafe.
‘That’s funny,’ he said, ‘that’s how long I was waiting.’

‘It’s fizzy,’ said the young man to the woman across the way, ‘it’s supposed to be flat.’
‘Take it back,’ she said.
‘Take it back?’

‘There’s no mushrooms. I usually have mushrooms but they’ve sold out...’
After a short pause he said, ‘...the eggs are tasty though.’
‘The eggs,’ he said, ‘they’re tasty.’

‘Yes I did,’ he said to the woman walking with him as they passed the table where I sat, ‘and it was, oh, but you know...’
‘Yes,’ she said, ‘yes, I know.’


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