Monday, January 08, 2007


First time out of the flat today since Thursday evening the night of which I woke up in the small hours sweating and with a dry throat.
My daughter’d been ill on Wednesday and I’d taken the day off to look after her. Thursday she was, though not a hundred percent, up and about and we cleared and cleaned the kitchen before I went to work the afternoon.
Friday morning I phoned in sick and spent the rest of the day as well as Saturday and Sunday in bed, unprecedented in my not so short life.
Saturday was the worst day because I couldn’t keep any liquids down and was ever so thirsty. I lay on my bed pre-occupied with my suffering and listening to the football on the radio. Each time I drank I felt nauseous for the next half hour then bring it back up feeling better for a short while going through the same process on four occasions. During this two or three hour period I felt geuinely scared not able to remember ever feeling so unwell.
Eventually, drinking a teaspoon of water every tenminutes or so, I manged to not throw it up and gradually reached the point I was able to swallow and keep down various painkillers that, while not completely eliminating, reduced my discomfort and wretchedness.
Getting out of the flat, walking around and doing some work seems to have done me some good but I’ll see how I feel in the morning.


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