Thursday, October 05, 2006


Locking my bike to the racks near Kino’s a woman turned to me and said, ‘you know where Ashley Down is?’ and, ‘can you tell them?’
A woman and man stood near her looking at me.
‘What end do you want?’ I said. ‘You want the college?’
‘Yes,’ said the woman, ‘we want the college.’
‘Up here to the arches,’ I said, making arch shapes with one of my fingers in the air, ‘at the arches, there’s traffic lights there, take the right hand road, under the arches, that’s Cromwell Road...’
- speaking mostly at the woman (I noticed her make-up) because the man stayed stood a few feet behind her -
‘...go all they way up there,’ the shape of the road with a hand movement, ‘...a bit of a hill, all the way to the end, you’ve got a view over the city, a good one too, go left there at the end, that’s Ashley Down, go left on to there up the hill a bit more and the college is on your left, you can’t miss it. Okay?’
‘Okay,’ she said. ‘Thank you.’


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