Thursday, June 28, 2007


‘How’re you?’ she said when I sat down at her table.
‘I’ve been better,’ I said.
‘More drugs?’
‘Yes, thanks.’
I remembered last night’s dream as I washed down two trammies with water from the tap...
...I levitated just outside the block and walked above ground, as if treading water, across the estate all the while thinking how vast the spread of buildings was and wondering how I was managing to maintain the way I was moving...
...I came to a stack of heavily graffited corrugated containers and stopped. A man in a suit spoke silent words I read as they left his mouth...
...I turned back and followed a concrete path across parkland and through trees to a bungalow set in the side of a hill where I was advised to continue on my way by a woman held the hand of a young child...
...still above ground I arrived at familiar surroundings of tower blocks and hills...
‘...this is my home,’ I thought, the words forming themselves out of scraps I’d collected on my journey...
...she spoke disturbing my reverie and asked again if I wanted more drugs.


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