Monday, March 27, 2006


I was walking home up Stokes Croft after getting off the No.8 bus from Temple Meads and saw a man using a crutch with his foot in plaster toes showing crossing King Square Avenue coming toward me.
When I saw him I thought, ‘I’m gonna get tapped.’
About to pass each other he said, ‘excuse me.’
‘What?’ I said.
‘I’ve missed the bus and...’
‘I don’t want to hear it just tell me what you want.’
‘I need a pound for the bus fare home.’
Took out my change looked at it - a £1, 20, 10, 5 and 1 pence coin - held the £1 as I let the rest slide into his outstretched hand said, ‘there’s 35p it’s a start,’ and he said, ‘thanks mate.’


At Tue Mar 28, 12:42:00 AM, Blogger sb4444 said...

tight fisted git (rod)


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