Sunday, May 28, 2006


On the way down Godmother got in the lift.
‘Morning,’ I said.
‘He’s changed his laundry time,’ she said.
‘That’s why he hasn’t been down, then?’
‘He changed it the day before and still came down his usual time.’
‘What’s he changed it to?’
‘Evening time.’
‘Doesn’t he like the company?’ I said.
‘He won’t like it anymore then either, you get all and sundry going in at that time.’
Outside she said, ‘I think it waits for me to come out, I do.’
‘You got your brolly?’
Rummaging in her bag she said, ‘I’ve always got my brolly.’

A couple of hours later I met him on the stairs.
He said, ‘I’ve got some news.’
‘Oh yeh?’
‘I’ve changed my laundry time.’
‘I heard.’
‘Who told you?’
‘She did.’
‘You know why I changed it?’
‘Too many people coming in and having conversations I didn’t want.’
‘You started them,’ I said.


At Sun Jun 11, 05:43:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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