Thursday, June 01, 2006


In Broadmead late afternoon sat outside a cafe the tables being unavailable to me and not wanting to reach down to the ground and pick up my mug of coffee I put it on a chair beside me.
A couple, white woman, black man, stood not far off right in front of me and talked about whether to go into the arcade or not.
They did.
Approximately five minutes later they walked slowly into the left side of my view and stood again not far off right in front of me but this time with their backs toward me.
Suddenly the man skipped away from the woman and slowed down on the path of another man who bumped into him.
A still moment they looked at each other then both laughed and shook hands, gripped finger tips, touched clenched fists.
As they talked the woman walked towards stopped and stood about two metres from them. She appeared to look at her feet and footwear, at the two men, and the passersby.
Her man beckoned the woman to come closer.
‘This is...’ he said.
‘Ah, yes...’ said the met man held out his hand and shook the woman’s.
She said something then backed off waving and turned before making her way to an entrance of the Galleries.
Half hour later still sitting outside the cafe I saw them walk past into the arcade carrying shopping bags they’d not had earlier. They came sat down a few minutes later at the table next to me.


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