Wednesday, February 07, 2007


‘Some people sell their key fobs,’ he said. ‘They go to the housing office say they’ve lost their fob, buy a new one for a fiver then sell it on.’
‘Who too?’ I said.
‘Someone, anyone needs a place to crash for the night.’
‘Hmm, seems a lot to pay for a chute room or the stairwell,’ I said. 'Then again, you can use the fob again and again once you've bought it.'
He looked at me, well, just past me, like right through me...he never looks straight at me.
From where we stood I could see the Fremantle car park.
‘Not many cars parked in the car park,’ I said. ‘Maybe it’s not being used as much the lift not working.’
‘Some people sell their car park cards,’ he said.
‘That makes more sense,’ I said. ‘Somewhere round here to park all day for dust for the buyer you’d think...not so much the seller though.’
‘Ask for a new one every few months then sell it on.’
‘How much can you make doing that?’
‘Some people think it’s worth it,’ he said.


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