Tuesday, August 21, 2007


He texted me: You coming to rikaxxe?
On my way
‘Was he the one?’ he said as we left the shop.
‘No, he wasn’t there,’ I said. ‘Probably hiding behind one of those big speaker cabs.’
When he’d phoned earlier and said he was after buying a bottleneck so he could play some slide I suggested Rikaxxe saying, ‘I might get a blog out of it.’
‘Not much for the blog,’ he said.
A few months ago I was in there and asked the boss how much for the LoopStation and he said, ‘One seventy-five, but I don’t know how long it’ll be that much what with the exchange rate the it is it could go up in the next half hour.’
‘Really, as soon as that? I said. ‘I can’t buy it today but I’ll come in Monday.’
‘I can’t guarantee the price,’ he said.
‘I’ll have to take that chance.’
When I went in Monday the boss wasn’t there so I asked one of his assistants, ‘Is it still one seventy-five?’
‘I don’t know I’ll have to phone him,’ which he did. ‘No,’ he said, ‘now it’s two twenty-five.’
I raised my eyebrows and he shrugged his shoulders.
‘Oh,’ I said. ‘I’ll leave it. Thanks anyway.’
I left the shop wondering why it was so difficult to be sold stuff in there, why there was always something, this not being the first time I’ve been involved in one of his episodes...
...and I bet his name’s not even Rik.


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