Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I picked up a couple of hitchhikers on my way back. The first from the services as I was leaving said, ‘yes,’ to Bristol and told me his friend was round the corner because they’d decided to split up thinking one'd do better than two.
‘You got room for him in here? you could pick him up too, only if you want of course...if he’s still there.’
He had the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen so close.
His friend was there and got in the back of the car.
Blue Eyes said, ‘there were two of them only their heads showing over the top of the duvet and rested on pillows and against the wall a woman face white like a china doll and on the right a man looked like Christopher Lambert as Tarzan.
‘The woman said, “we mustn’t be incestuous,” she was talking to me and the person behind my left shoulder who I don’t know who it was and she just kept saying, “we mustn’t be incestuous,” so I lifted the duvet and saw she had a penis about where her navel would be.'
'What did you do?'
'I touched it but nothing happened.’
‘Cribbs okay?’ I said.
‘Cribbs is good,’ he said.
‘You want to go shopping?’ said the one in back.
‘You know Cribbs then?’
‘Got mates in Bridgewater say, “hey let’s go to Cribbs it’ll be good for the soul.”’


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