Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Woman: Excuse me. Hiya. You don’t know where I can find an internet cafe?
Man: Where?
Woman: Internet cafe...
Man: Oh yeh, er...Through the underpass...you see that building over there, with the the fifty-one-oh-two?
Woman: Yes.
Man: You want to go under there...so you go...go up through here, you know up there, carry on up that road, er...right, you wanna...I’m just wondering how many there are, there are pedestrian lights but there at least two sets of main lights and when you hit the third there’s an internet cafe on the the corner, that’s the closest I know.
Woman: That the one near here...maybe...(laugh)
Man: Is that the one you mean, up Stokes Croft?
Woman: No, no, it’s just that, I travel a lot and everywhere I go there’s internet cafe, it’s strange, I can’t find one here...it’s
Man: Well, yeh yeh, well, there’s not much in here but up there, there might be one before but there’s definitely one up the road, alright?
Woman: Yeh


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