Monday, May 18, 2009


Watching, having just sat down with a single to Easton, two teenage girls deciding to get on the bus or not. They hug, like a while, before one gets on. Then the other when the driver threatens to close the doors. The irritation comes all the way back to me.
'On the bus, see you soon,' text, let her know I won't be long.
The windows could do with a clean.
Past the flowers and the messages written on the pavement for Troy:
'Troy you in heaven now, don't need weed to get high, Love always.'
'You were the best, miss you forever.'
Newspaper story taped to the lamppost – Troy in bold black letters - a note from the family saying, thanks, it means a lot.
The two girls talking, not quite hearing what they say 'til Stapleton Road.
'“Who the fuck you think you are telling me what to do?” or “Fuck off telling me what to do”?'
'What's the difference?'
'One's askin' the other's tellin'.'
'How about, “Fuck off and leave me alone,”?'
'I don't want him to leave me alone, just stop telling me what to do.'


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