Sunday, July 09, 2006


At a barbecue Saturday and asked him, ‘you got any drugs?’
‘No,’ he said, ‘haven’t had for a few days.’
‘I’ve got some,’ she said, ‘a bit of hash but I left it at home.’
‘You shouldn’t say things like that,' I said, 'that you’ve got drugs but you left them at home, it’s not right...’
‘...or fair...’ he said.
‘, it's not right or fair...’
‘’s sadistic.’
‘I’d go and get it if I had transport,’ she said.
‘I’ve got a car, let’s go,’ I said.
We drove across town and close to her place I said, ‘this is seriously decadent.’
‘I know, but it’s good having time out to talk.’
‘Yes,’ I said.
When we got back to the barbeque I told him, ‘we haven’t got it, she couldn’t find it.’
‘You’re joking?’ he said.
‘No, I looked everywhere, honestly.’
‘Oh well.’
‘We have really,’ I said, ‘you think I’d’ve brought her back if she hadn’t found it?’


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