Friday, August 25, 2006


There was a knock at the door. I stopped what I was doing and saying, stood still and listened.
‘Hello? Anyone there?’ said a male voice from the other side. ‘Hello?’ again and this time it said my name.
I looked through the spyhole saw a blurred figure I didn’t recognise from other blurred figures I’ve seen in the past through the spyhole.
I thought very briefly then because he’d mentioned my name reached for my keys, unlocked and then opened the door.
‘Hello,’ I said to a man I’ve seen around the flats and who I’d once spoken to about fitting a new exhaust on a car
‘Oh, hello,’ he said. ‘They said in the laundry to come and ask you if it was alright to do my laundry now.’
He wore a red jacket and had gaps between his pale yellow teeth.
‘I’m not using my time today so yes, you can have it.’
‘Thanks,’ he said, ‘I appreciate it.’
‘You’re welcome,’ I said and closed the door then thought, ‘I should’ve asked his name.’


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