Sunday, April 23, 2006


The woman asked the first man, ‘have you seen her?’
‘She’s gone,’ said the first man, ‘said she’s having a hard time at the moment, was finding it difficult to talk to anyone.’
‘She loooked really out of it staggering around,’ the second man said.
‘Why don’t you give her a call?’ the first man said to the woman. ‘She gave me her mobile number.’
‘I don’t feel comfortable having someone’s number they’ve not given me.’
The second man said to the first, ‘she wants you to call her, it’s you she wants...’
‘Yeh, I saw her leaning against you, like this,’ the second man leans against the first like he’d seen her do. ‘Yes, looking at you she was, following you, she came out after you, went in when you did, going where you did.’
‘Yeh, she wants comforting man, some listening to, a shoulder, your shoulder.’
‘, I’d like to but what about the wife?’ the first man said.
‘Don’t tell her she doesn’t have to know,’ the second man said.
‘Outrageous,’ the woman said.
‘Look, she’s vulnerable...’
‘Oh, I’ve had enough of vulnerable women, why don’t you call her?’
And the second man said, ‘no, got enough trouble of my own. All my relationships have broken down, well the meaningful ones anyway.’
‘How come, what’s happened?’ the woman asked.
‘I’ve forgot my password.’


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